NAME Nwaugo, Victor Oluohaegbulam fNSM
L.G.A.: Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area (ONELGA).
State Of Origin: Rivers State
Martial Status: Married.
Current status; Professor of Microbiology
No of Children Six (3 Boys, 3 Girls):
Contact Address: Department of Microbiology Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria
Phone: 2348063494654, 08155119949
Referees: See Last page
- Comprehensive Secondary School, Port-Harcourt WASC
- University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt B.Sc (Hons)
- Abia State University, Uturu M.Sc, PhD
- Oil Centre Operator, Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited, Port Harcourt.
- Laboratory Technologist I, Abia State University, Uturu
- Acting Head, School of Biological Sciences Laboratories (Microbiology, Zoology, Biochemistry and Botany) Abia State University, Uturu
- Head of Department, (Microbiology) ABSU
- Professor of Microbiology (ABSU – Uturu) 2009
- The 16th Inaugural Lecturer, Abia State University, Uturu (19th March, 2014
- Nominated for Deputy Vice Chancellor, Abia State University, Uturu. 2014
- Dean, Faculty of Biological and Physical Sciences, Abia State University, Uturu 2015-2016
- Director, Directorate of Research and Publications, Abia State University, Uturu 2016-Date
Nigerian Agip Oil Company Scholar 1974 – 1979, Post Primary Scholarship Award.
Nigerian Agip Oil Company Scholar, 1980 – 1984 Post Secondary Scholarship Award.
Rivers State Government Scholar 1982 – 1984
Rivers State Government Scholar 1992 – 1994
16th Inaugural Lecturer, Abia State University, Uturu. 2014
Ist Graduate of Abia State University, Uturu to reach the rank of Professor in the same University.—2009.
Fellow, Nigerian Society for Microbiology 2016
- Member, Nigeria Society of Microbiology. No. 031.
- Member, Nigeria Society for Parasitology and Public Health
- Member, American Society for Microbiology
- Member, Nigerian Mycological Society
5 Public Relation Officer: Nigerian Mycological Society – 2006- 2007
6 Managing Editor; ABSU Journal of Environment, Science and
Technology (ABSUJEST). (TETFund sponsored.) 2012-date
- Associate editor, Sciencia An official Journal of the Faculty of
Biological and Physical Sciences, Abia State University, Uturu. 2011- date
8 Chairman, Abia State University Uturu, Committee for Research
And Intellectual Development (CRID) 2016-date
9 Reviewer for Several national and international Journals on Science,
Envireonment, Biotechnology, Technology and Innovations
- Assessment of environmental (soil, water and air) pollution
- Microbial and parasitic infections in communities
- Environmental degradation and management strategies
- Multifactorial systems in disease establishments.
- Genetic engineering of microorganisms
- Bioremediation and reclamation of contaminated soil
Areas of expertise
- Concomittant microbial infections in parasitemia
- Environmental pollution, reclamation and remediation
Secretary: Egbema Students Union 1982-1984
Secretary: Egbema Youths Association 1982-1984
Member: Egbema Consultative Council (Rivers State Govt Appointed 1999-2002
Chairman: Egbema National Congress 1999-2003
Member, Egbema Forum, Egbema 2007-date
Journal Publications
- F.O. Nduka; V.O. Nwaugo; and N.C. Nwachukwu (1993) Bacteria Associated
with Paragonimus Infection in Okigwe Area of Imo State Nigeria: Nigerian
Journal of Biotechnology II:65-75
- Ijeh, I.I.; V.O. Nwaugo and Obidoa, O. (1997). Comparative Studies of the
Nutritive, Phytochemical and Anti-Microbial Properties of two varieties
of Venornia amygdalina Plant Production Research Communication.1:71-75
- Nduka, F.O.; Onyeagba, R.A.; and Nwaugo, V.O. (2001) Human Activities
in the transmission of Paragonimiasis in parts of South Eastern
Nigerian Journal of Health and Vision Sciences 3(1):50-55.
- F.O.Nduka, V.O. Nwaugo and A..J.Njoku (2001) Prevalence of
Paragonimaisis in School Children in some areas of South Eastern Nigeria
Journal of Health and Vision Sciences 2(2):120-125.
- Nwachukwu, N.C. and V.O., Nwaugo (2002) Prevalence of Pityriasis
versicolor among Secondary School Students in Okigwe – Imo State.
Journal of Health and Vision Sciences 4 (3): 166-171.
- Nduka, F.O. Etusim, P.E. Nwaugo, V.O. and Oguariri, R.M. (2006) The
effects of Quarry mining on the epidemiology of Schistosoma
haematobium in school children in Ishiagu South Eastern Nigeria.
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 100(1):1-7
7. Obiekezie, S.O., Onyeagba, R.A, Nwaugo, V.O and Onunkwo (2005
Concentration of Trace metals in water collected from AMICO Lake, Eboyi State Nigeria International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. 1(2):129-132
- Abara, P.N.; Obiekezie, S.O.; Onyeagba, R.F. and Nwaugo, V.O. (2005)
Physio-chemical characteristic of Ivo Rivers Ebonyi State Nigeria International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 1(2):145-149.
- Nwaugo, V.O., Nduka, F.O. and Nwachukwu, N.C. (2005) Concomitant
Typhoid infections in urinary schistosomasis in South Eastern Nigeria Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 11(3) 353-355
10 Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A. and Obinali, M. (2004). Effects of Calcium
Carbide wastes on soil nitrifying bacteria in Okigwe, Imo State. Journal of Applied Science 7(5):4451-4458
11 Onyeagba, R.A.; Nwaugo, V.O.; Isikaku, I. and Okeke, C.U. (2005).
Preliminary Studies on the Fungal Diseases of African Bush Mango (L) (Harris, Irvingiaceae) Journal of Science Engineering and Technology 12(1):6005-601
- Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A. and Nwachukwu N.C. (2006).
Bacteriological quality of cercariae (Schistosoma haematobium) infested abandoned Quarry pit water. Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 13(2):6697-6706.
- Nwaugo V.O., Onyeagba, R.A; Nwachukwu, N.C. and Agwaranze, D.I
(2006) Microbial species associated with air conditioner filters in South Eastern, Nigeria.
Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 20: (3) 1406-1412.
14 Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A. and Nwachukwu, N.C. (2006). Moringa
oleifera,; A potential biocoagulant in the treatment of Petroleum Produced water. Nigerian
Journal of Microbiology 20: (3) 1413-1418.
15 Nduka, F.O.; Nwaugo, V.O.; and Nwachukwu, N.C. (2006) Human
Intestinal Parasitic infections in Ishiagu, a lead mining area of Abia State.
Animal Research International 3(3):505 – 507.
16 Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A. and Nwachukwu, N.C. (2006) Effect of gas
flaring on soil Microbial spectrum in parts of Niger Delta area of Southern, Nigeria. African
Journal of Biotechnology 5 (19) 1824-1826.
- Nduka, F.O.; Egbu, A.; Okafor, C. and Nwaugo, V.O. (2006) Prevalence of
Malaria Parasites and Anaemia in Pregnant women in Aba and Okigwe Towns of South East
Nigeria Animal Research International 3(3)508-512
- Nwaugo, V.O.; S.O. Obiekezie, R.A. Onyeagba, J.N. Okereke, and A.
Udebuani (2006) The Physiochemical Investigation of Amicol Lake in Ivo Area of Ebonyi State
World. Journal of Biotechnology 7:1 055-1061
- Nwaugo, V.O.; Nduka, F.O.and Kalu, M.K. (2012).Aspects of Bionomics
and Life Table studies of four buliniid snails from South Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Applied
Sciences (Pakistan) J.Enviro. Studies. 4;21-34
20 Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A. Obiekezie, S.O. and Ugbogu, O.C. (2006).
Effects of Petroleum Produced (formation) water on some farmland soil bacteria in Egbema,
Rivers State International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences. 1 (1):32-36.
- Onyeagba, R.A., Nwaugo, V.O. and Agwaranze, D.I. (2006). Fungal
species associated with the contamination and spoilage of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) videotapes.
International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences 1 (1):28-31.
22 Obiekezie, S.O. and Nwaugo, V.O. (2006) Prevalence of Staphylococcus
aureus among the rural community of Ishiagu area of Ebonyi State. African Journal of Science 8
(1) 1759 – 1766
23 O.C. Ugbogu, Nwaugo, V.O, A. Orji and N. Ihuoma (2007).Quinolone
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Okigwe, Imo State, Nigeria Pakistan Journal of Biological
Science 7(4):697-700.
- Nwaugo, V.O., Onyeagba, R.A. Chima. G.N.and Agwananze D.I. (2007)
Effects of Drilling wastes on the farmland mircrobial spectrum in Egbema, south-south Nigerian
community Pakistan Journal of Applied Sciences 2(8):632-638
- Nwaugo, V.O. Onyeagba, R.A. Chima, G.N. and Umeham, S.N. (2007)
Effects of Discharge of Petroleum produced water on the physicochemical and bacterial flora of
Nkissa River, Egbema, Rivers State. International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences
- Umeham, S.N., Okereke, S., Nwaugo, V.O. and Anya, B.C. (2007)
Morphometry and Physiochemical Hydrology of Igu Stream International Journal of
Biotechnology and Allied Sciences 2(2):173-178.
- Chima, G.N.; Nwaugo, V.O. and Okpe, V.C. (2007). Social and Economic
Benefits of Private Water Supplies in Rural Area of Nigeria- An Examination International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences. 2(2):146-153.
- Nwaugo, V.O. Onyeagba, R.A, Elekwa, I.E and Akubugwo, E.I. (2007)
Effects of flooding and seepage of Drilling wastes burrow pit contents into Orashi River, Egbema Rivers State, Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences (Pakistan) (In press).
- Nwaugo, V.O. Onyeagba, R.A. and Ugbogu, O.C. (2007) Effects of car
engine lubricating oil on soil bacterial spectrum Journal of Health and Vision Sciences 1(1):38-43.
30 Nduka. F.O, Nwaugo, V.O. and Kalu, K. M (2007) Water contact and
Urinary Schistosomiasis in abandoned water-filled Quarry pits in south Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Applied and Environmental Sciences 4(1)28 – 32
- Nwaugo, V.O., Chijioke, C.U., Ndom, H.U., and Agwaranze, D.I. (2007).
Bacterial species associated with eye contamination and infections in school children from Quarry mining community in south Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Health and Vision Sciences 1(1):30-34.
- Nwaugo, V.O. Ukoha O.C and Ndom, H U (2006) Fungal contamination of
eye Lenses and frames of patients attending, Optometry Clinic of Abia State University. Uturu, South Eastern Nigeria Afr. J. Biotech 7(18)3410 – 3413
- Nwaugo, V.O.Obiekezie, S O and Etok, C A (2007) Post operational
effects of heavy metal mining on soil quality in Ishiagu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences. 2(3) 242 – 246
- Chima, G.N, Nwaugo, V.O. and Okpe, V.O. (2007): Water Resources
development in Nigeria: Some Environmental consideration – a review: International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences. 2(1):109-115
- Umeham, S.N; V.O. Nwaugo, and Ofoezie, I (2007). Estrogenicity of Aba
River, Nne-Osha and Eme Streams using the Yeast Estrogen Screen
(YES) Assay on Sediment Samples World Journal of Biotechnology. 8(2); 1316 – 1324
- Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A.; Umeham, S.N. and Azu, N. (2007). Effects
of Physicochemical Properties and attachment surfaces on
Biofilms in Cassava mill effluent in polluted Oloshi River. Estudios Biologia. 29 (66) 53-61
- Nwaugo, V.O., Onyeabga, R.A.; Azu, N. and Nworie, O. (2007). Petroleum
Produced (formation) water induced changes in bacterial quality and soil enzymatic activities in a farmland in Egbema South Nigeria. Estudios Biologia. 29( 66 )89-97.
- Nwaugo, V.O.; Onyeagba, R.A.; Akubugwo, E.I. and Ugbogu, O.C. (2007).
Soil Bacterial flora and enzymatic activities in Heavy metals (Pb & Zn) contaminated soil of Ishiagu, Ebonyi State.Nigeria Biokemistri 20(2)77-84
39 Chima G.N; Nwaugo, V. O. and V.C Okpe (2008) Water supply and
environmental Health in South-Eastern Nigeria: An evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Science 4(4):8-13
40 Nwaugo V. O., Etok, C.A., Obiekezie, S.O.and Chinyere, G.C (2008)
Evaluation of the effects of okigwe cattle market wastes on the surrounding agricultural soil parameters Bio– Research 6(2):367-370.
41 Nwaugo, V.O Ekpo, M.A., Eduok I. and Verla, A.W. (2008) Effects of
shooting range activities on heavy metal concentrations and microbial activities in Nigeria soil Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences 4(2):118 – 124
42 Nwaugo V.O., Chinyere G.C. and Inyang, C.U.(2008) Effects of palm oil mill
effluents (POME) on soil bacterial flora and enzyme activities in Egbema. Plant Products Research Journal 12:10-13.
43 Chima G.N., Nwaugo V.O.; Okpe, V.C. (2007) Water, waste and health in
south eastern Nigeria: A reappraisal. Environmental Review 6:1831-1839
44 Chima, G.N.; Nwaugo, V.O; Okpe V.C and Nwankwo U.I. (2008)
Assessment of water quality and environmental health in Nsukka area of south-eastern Nigeria Journal of Applied Environmental Science 4(2):92 – 99
45 Nwaugo, V.O.; Elekwa, I.; M.A. Ekpo and Adebayo, B.O. (2008) Evaluation
of soil health following application of fertilizers using bacterial and enzymes as indicators. Journal of Applied Environmental Science.4(2);67 – 72
46 Nduka, F.O.; Nwaugo, V.O. and Kalu, K.M. (2008) Effects of public health
enlightenment on the incidence of urinary schistosomiasis in an endemic rural community of south eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences 3(1):371-376
47 Adinna, E.N.; Nwaugo, V.O. and Ogbonna, C.E (2008) Conceptual issue in
heavy metal pollution from mining and remediation strategies. Ecology Politics and Environment 1(1):128-144.
48 Nwaugo, V O;Chima, G N, Etok, C A and Umeham,S N (2008) Effects of
cassava mill effluents on the physicochemical parameters and microbial flora of Nkissa River, Egbema, Rivers State International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences. 3(1) 346 – 353
49 Nwaugo, V O Ezenobi, N, Ekong, U E and Ogbonna C E
(2009) Assessment of soil health in different sites using microbiological and physiological parameters Journal of Environment 2(1) 99 – 109
- Nwaugo, V.O.; Etok, C.A., Chima, G.N and Ogbonna, C.E. (2008)
Impact of Cassava Mill Effluent (CME) on Soil Physicochemical and
Microbial Community Structure and Functions Nigerian Journal Microbiology. 22(1)1678 -1684
51 Ekpo, M. A. and Nwaugo, V. O (2008) Effect of Drilling Mud Additives on the
Physicochemical Characteristics of Cassava Plant Under Intercrop in the hyacinth lignocelluloses into feed supplement by lignocellulolytic Streptomycess Tropics Nigerian Journal of. Microbiology 22 (2): 1634 – 164
52 Etok, C.A., Nwaugo, V.O. and Antai, S.P. (2008) Bioconversion of water
Hyacinth to animal feed. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 22(1):1659 – 1665
53 Ukoha O,C,, Nwaugo, V.O., Ekong, U. and Orji,N (2009) Endocervical
microbial infections in pregnant women in Umuahia, South Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Science Engineering and Technology 16(2); 8870 – 8881
- Nwaugo, V.O., Chima, G.N., Elekwa, I. and Inyang, C. U (2009) Evaluation ofsurface water quality in heavy metal mining area of Ishiagu, South Eastern Nigeria.Journal of Science Engineering and Technology. 16(2); 8781 – 8794
- Nwaugo, V.O., Etok, C.A., I.S.Onwuchekwa and Chima, G.N. (2009)
Assessment of the physicochemical and microbial diversity of Orashi River Flood plains in Egbema Journal of Applied Sciences 12(2):8380 – 8391
- Nwaugo,V.O., Chima,, G.N.,Elekwa, I. and I.S. Onwuchekwa
(2009)Comparative assessment of domestic water supply sources in Ishiagu, a heavy metal mining community in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science 12 (2):8473 – 8486.
- Nwaugo, V.O,; Nduka, F.O. and Umeham, S.N. (2006) The Seasonality
and Longevity of four Buliniid snails from South Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences 1(1):5-9
- Umeham, S.N.; Nwaugo, V.O;.; Kalu, K. M. and Okereke, F. (2007) Catonic
Concentration of Obiya Stream water and sediment Nkpa, Abia State, Nigeria International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences 2(2):169:172.
- Nwaugo, V.O.; Obiekezie, S.O. and Onyeagba, R.A. (2006). Prevalence
of Shigella in stool specimens from rural population of Ishiagu Community, Ebonyi State Nigeria. International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Sciences 1(1):19-23
60 Nwaugo, V.O. Onwuchekwa, I.S. Ogbonna, C. and Onyeagba,
R.A.(2009);Assessment of Physicochemical and Biological indices of
Fluvial deposits in Abandoned Mine pits in Ishiagu, South Eastern
Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 23(1)1827 – 1835
- Etok, C.A. and Nwaugo, V.O. (2009); Growth profile, Sodium Chloride
tolerance and substrate specificity of a Hydrocarbon utilizing Mucor species.Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. 23(1) 1945 – 1952
62 Akortha, E. E.; Nwaugo, V.O. and Chikwe, N.O. (2009) Antifungal resistance
among Candida species from patients with genitourinary tract infections isolated in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. African Journal of Microbiological Research 3 (11): 694 – 699
63 Akujobi, C O, Nwaugo, V O, U. N. Abanno and S. I. Okorondu (2009)
Effects of animal waste treatment of diesel oil polluted soils on hydrocarbon-utilizing microbial counts and oil degradation. International Journal of Natural and .Applied Sciences 5(2);157 – 163.
64 Chima, G.N., Ijioma, M.A.,Ezekwe, I.C. and Nwaugo, V.O. (2009)
Assessing historical changes in heavy metals in the sediments of the Ivo River Basin, South Eastern Nigeria, using regional markers and multivariate statistics World Journal of Biotechnology 10(1)1537 – 1548
65 Akujuobi, C.O., V. O. Nwaugo, U.N.Abanno and S.I. Okorondu (2009).
Effects of animal wastes treatment on diesel-oil polluted soil on hydrocarbon-utilizing microbial counts and oil degradation. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 5(2);157-163
66 Ogbonna, C.E, Njoku, H.O., Onyeagba, R.A, and Nwaugo, V.O (2010)
Effects of flooding and seepage from drilling burrow pit wastes on Orashi River, Egbema, Rivers State – Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 24(1);1993-2001
67 Etok,C.A, Asamudo, N.U., Onwuchekwa, I.S. and Nwaugo, V.O.(2010)
Effects of Quarry Plant Rock dusts on soil phosphate solubilizing bacteria and enzymes activities in Ishiagu, Ebonyi State – Nigeria Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 24(1);2207 – 2214
68 Chima, G.N.; Nwaugo, V.O. and Ezekwe, I.C. (2010) Impact of rock
quarrying on Akwukwuo tributary of Ivo River, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State Nigeria. Journal of Applied Environmental Science 6(2);68-75
69 Akujobi, C O, Onyeagba, R A, Nwaugo, V O. and Odu, N N (2011) Effect of
nutrient amendment of diesel oil polluted soil on plant growth parameters. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 3(4);421 – 429.
70 Akujobi, C O, Onyeagba, R A, Nwaugo, V O. and Odu, N N (2011) Protein
and chlorophyll contents of Solanum melongena on diesel oil polluted soil amended with nutrient supplements. Current Research Journal of Biological Science 3(5)516 – 520
71 Akujobi, C O, Onyeagba, R A, Nwaugo, V O. and Odu, N N (2011) Diesel-
oil degrading g potentials of bacterial isolates from diesel polluted soil. Current Topics in Biotechnologyt 6;93 – 101.
72 Asamudo, N, U, Etok, C,A, Onwuchekwa, I,S and Nwaugo. V.O (2011) Effects of
saw dust ash on soil physicochemical and biological indices. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 25;2345 -2352
73 Ugbogu, O.C. Onyeagba, R.A and Nwaugo, V.O. (2011) Biofilm Microbial
communities of two man-made lakes at Lokpa, Umuchieze, Abia State Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 25;2453-2456
74 Nwaugo, V.O.,Egbu, A.U, Odu,N.N. and Ogbonna, C.E. (2011) Impact of
Metal mining on Domestic water quality in Ishiagu and its environe, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. ABSU Journal of Environment, Science and Technology, 1;62-71
75 Kalu,M.K. Nwogo, A.A.;Nduka, F.O. Nwaugo, V.O. and Onuabuchi, I.A.
(2012) Abundance of Nocturnal Endophagous and Anthropophilic Anopheles species in relation to Human Malaria transmission in an Urban and a rural Communities in Abia State, Nigeria. Journal of Entomology, 9(6);382 – 388
76 Nwaugo, V.O, Alozie, C.; Azubuine, E.C. and Eze, M.U (2012) Effects of Roofing
Materials and Age on the Rainwater Quality in Oil Producing Community, Egbema, Rivers State, Nigeria. ABSU Journal of Environment, Science and Technology 2;244-252
77 Nwaugo, V.O. Onyeagba, R.A, Ugwuorah, A,N. and Obasi, L.O. (2012). Impact of
Rice-farming on soil physicochemical and biological indices at Akaeze, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Sciencia Journal 1; 23-32
78 Ike. C,C, Nwaugo, V.O., C O Nweke and C C Anochie (2014) Effect of
nutrient amendments on the growth of garden egg (Solanum melongena) in crude oil polluted wetland, Egbema, Rivers State. Int. J Agron Agric Res 5(4);20-30
79 Ike. C,C, Nwaugo, V.O., C O Nweke and C C Anochie (2014) Impact of
Crude oil pollution on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of Orashi River Wetland in Egbema, Nigeria. J. Biodiver Environ Sc 5(4);89-99
80 Ogbonna, C.E., Otuu, F.C., Ugbogu, O.C., Nwaugo, V.O and Ugbogu, E.A
(2015) Public Health Implications of heavy metals contamination of plants growing in the lead-zinc mining area of Ishiagu, Nigeria. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 7(5): 8 – 18
81 Balogu, T.V., Nwaugo, V.O. and Onyeagba, R.A. (2014) Persistence and Biofilm
assessment of Campylobacter jujeni in Poultry Abbattoir. Nig. Food Journal 32(1); 54- 61
82 Onwuakor, C.E. V,O, Nwaugo, C.J Nnadi and J.M. Emetole (2014) Effects of varied
culture conditions on crude supernatant (Bacteriocin) production from four Lactobacillus species isolated from locally fermented maize (Ogi). American
Journal of Microbiological Research 2(5); 125 – 130.
83 Wokoma, O.A.F., VO. Nwaugo and Chima, G.N. (2016) Epipelic Algal species
composition and abundance in the brackish water axis of Sombreiro River, Niger Delta Area, Nigeria. Internatonal Journal of Environmental Research 2(1);1 -7
84 Wokoma, O.A.F., VO. Nwaugo, Chima, G.N. and V.I. Gbosidom (2016)
Phytoplankton species Composition and abundance in the Lower Sombreiro River, Niger Delta Area, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology 5(2) (In press).
85 O.C Ugbogu, R.A Onyeagba, Ugbogu E.A and V.O Nwaugo(2016) Heavy Metal Levels
and Potential Pathogens of Surface Water and Sediments of Two Man-Made Lakes at Lokpa Umuchieze, Abia State Nigeria International Journal of Environmental Biology 6(1): 4-10
Special publication;
16th Inaugural lecture, Abia State University, Uturu.
Microbes, Parasites and the Environment; What hope for Man?
Dawns Foundation Publications, Enugu 19th March, 2014
- Akubugwo, E. I. and Nwaugo, V. O (1999) Application of Biotechnology to
the Pharmaceutical Industries. In; Fundamental of biotechnology (Azu Onyeagba and N.R. Isu – Editor) The Top professional Publishers, Enugu, Nigeria.
- Onyeagba, R.A. Nwaugo, V.O.and Kanu, I. (2002) Microorganisms in the
Ecosystem. In, Readings in Ecology Crystal publishers, Okigwe – Imo State 41- 67
- Nwaugo V.O (2004) Protozoa In, R.A. Onyeagba and N.R. Isu (Eds)
General Microbiology. Research and Academic Publishers, Okigwe
- Nwaugo V.O. (2004). Microbial Genetics In, Onyeagba and Isu, N.R
(Editors) General Microbiology. Research and Academic Publishers Okigwe.
- Nwaugo V.O. (2004) Parasitology. In; Laboratory Guide for Microbiology
Azu Onyeagba , Editor. Crystal Publishers, Okigwe, Imo State
- Nwachukwu, N.C. and V.O.,Nwaugo (2004). Host Defences and Immunity
in Basic Immunology (Nwachukwu N.C. and Nwaugo V.O Editors) Crystal Publishers 49 Owerri – Okigwe, Imo State.
- Nwachukwu, N.C. and Nwaugo, V.O. (2005). Superficial Mycoses In
Introductory Mycology (Nkechi C. Nwachukwu Editor) Crystal Publishers, Okigwe, Imo State, 25-47
- Nwachukwu, N.C. and Nwaugo, V.O (2005). Actinomycetes. In;
Introductory Mycology (Nkechi C. Nwachukwu, Editor) Crystal Publishers Okigwe, Imo State 88-121.
HOBBIES: Swimming, Soccer and scrabble